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March 2, 2023

HIV hides since the beginning of the infection

From the first days of infection, HIV constitutes "reservoirs" where it will hide, preventing triple therapies from completely eradicating it, a Montreal research team has demonstrated for the first time.


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March 4, 2020

HIV reservoirs in humans: Immediate antiretroviral therapy makes them 100 times smaller

Thanks to an unprecedented access to blood, and biopsies of rectums and lymph nodes of people at the earliest stages of HIV infection, an international team of researchers has shown that the first established reservoirs are still 'sensitive' during these early stages and could be downsized about 100 times upon immediate ART initiation.


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February 18, 2019

Using cancer immunotherapy to fight HIV

Researchers at the University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre (CRCHUM) have shown that immunotherapy treatments against cancer could reduce the amount of virus that persists in people on triple therapy. In a study published in the journal Nature Communications, they show, in the cells of people living with HIV, how these therapies reveal the virus - until now hidden in the hollows of infected cells - to the immune system.


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July 14, 2016

HIV 'safe houses' identified inside the body

Researchers from the University of Montreal Hospital Research Center (CRCHUM) have identified cells that provide "safe houses" for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) during antiretroviral therapy (ART).

HIV needs to be "housed" in a cell, a safe haven, so to speak, to live and replicate, explain authors of a new report.


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May 10, 2017

Des outils pour détecter les cellules latentes

Des chercheurs du Centre de recherche du CHUM viennent de mettre au point deux nouveaux outils qui permettent de détecter avec beaucoup plus de finesse les virus latents enfouis au creux de certaines cellules et qui soudainement se réveillent et recommencent à se multiplier.


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December 6, 2016

Des cellules où se cache le VIH

L'infection au VIH se traite mais ne guérit pas, parce que le virus arrive à se cacher dans des cellules qu'on appelle des « réservoirs à VIH ». En les analysant de plus près, les chercheurs ont remarqué la présence de marqueurs à leur surface. De quoi repérer les cachettes et les éliminer, pour un jour pouvoir guérir du VIH.


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June 3, 2016

Pourra-t-on un jour guérir le VIH-sida ?

À l'heure où le VIH est pratiquement considéré comme une maladie chronique, des équipes de chercheurs tentent toujours de trouver un remède pour cette infection qui frappe plus de 36 millions d'humains. Les défis restent grands. 


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